How to buy the memory foam mattress


Memory foam mattress is one of the most popular types of mattresses available. It is known to adjust to the body shop and distribute the pressure exerted due to body movement consistently throughout its surface. This is why it is able to provide the most comfortable sleep. But you would want to know that all the memory foam mattresses are not the same. The quality varies from vendor to vendor. If you want the best quality mattress, here are a few things you will want to keep in mind.

Buy the high density mattress

Only when the memory foam mattress is of high density it will be able to give proper support to your body. You can check that in the specifications before buying. The density is often specified on the packaging. If you are going for low-cost mattress then the density will be around 2-3 lb. The high-end, premium memory foam mattresses could have foam density as much as 6.5 lb. The high density mattresses are costlier but they provide better support to the back. This is why they are a good investment. The low-cost mattresses become out of shape after a few months and they cannot be restored to the normal shape.

Temperature sensitivity is another factor to consider

This is another aspect that you would want to consider before you buy the memory foam mattress. This is the feature quite unique to this type of mattress. As abovementioned, when you are lying on the bed the foam will tend to take the shape of the body curves and thus provide better support. It will make sure that the weight is evenly spread across the mattress area. Once you are in a particular position for a while the temperature of your body will affect the area of the mattress in touch with your body and it will soften. This provides even more comfort to the user. So, the higher the temperature sensitivity more will be the comfort level. But there is one more thing you need to know. Some of these mattresses do not absorb the heat completely and thus may get warmer. This could cause discomfort to some people.

Test it before buying

As already specified, not all the memory foam mattresses are the same. The comfort level and quality vary from one company to another. Even different models of the same brand provide different levels of support and comfort. It is best to test the mattress first before buying it. Laboratory tests may not give the right picture. Every human body is unique and hence the requirements are also unique.

Understand the warranty terms

Sometimes the mattresses may develop defects. A lot of times these defects are caused due to manufacturing issues not because of misuse. You have to make sure that the warranty terms are clear to you. You will want to know what types of defects are covered and what are not. Some companies provide lifetime warranty too on the memory foam mattress. You can consult the salesperson before buying the mattress.



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